and Service

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Hill Water Corp. understands how important, how precious, and how critical water is to daily life.

Hill serves over 3,000 member users in the Morgan County townships of Brown, Clay, Madison, and Monroe also provides water utility service to the southern residential and commercial/industrial area to the Town of Mooresville.

Members of Hill Water Corporation,
Over the past few months there has been much discussion concerning the recent rate increase.
No one disputes that the recent increase was substantially more that the Corporation has ever had. However, except when the system was constructed in 1972, the Corporation has never had a single capital expenditure as great as we now face with the construction of a new water treatment plant.
Hill Water Corporation was formed in 1971 to provide water to an area southwest of Mooresville. Specifically, in the area of Red Day, Goat Hollow and Observatory Roads where getting water from a well was near impossible. As mentioned above laying pipe in these areas began in 1972. Until 1992 Hill Water purchased water from Hoosier Water Utility later United Water and since 2000 Indiana American Water.
Recent Announcements
A rate increase of 60% will be in effect on your September bill. The rate increase is largely due to Hill Water building a new water treatment plant as well as higher cost of materials, labor, and energy costs. We realize this is a large increase, but historically Hill Water has had extremely low rates for water. Review the rate comparison sheet that is attached to this announcement. The comparison is based on a 4,000 gallon usage.
We have added a coin operated bulk water station at our office at 2 Squire Dr, Mooresville. The machine accepts quarters only. You will need to provide your own hose that has a female 2” “Banjo” fitting to connect to the dispenser. The station is available 24 hours a day.
Hill Water has partnered with Morgan County Emergency Management Agency to utilize a program called WENs (Weather Emergency Notification system). We will use this program to send you an email and /or text message alerts for things such as boil water advisories. Please print and fill out the sign up sheet and return to our office. You may also fax the completed sign up sheet to 317-831-1685.
Notes on how to pay your bill online. Click here to view PDF
Hill Water Corp. protects the public’s health by ensuring that our drinking water meets or exceeds all state and federal health standards.
Hill Water Corporation is a member owned, NFP, cooperative water utility.