Directors Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2024

In attendance: President Ross Holloway, Vice President Larry Long, Treasurer Tim Standeford, Director Daryl Swinney, General Manager Herb Cook, and Ryan Leisey with Preload.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Ross Holloway.  The Minutes of the Directors meeting held on September 17, 2024 were presented for review/approval.  Daryl Swinney moved the minutes be approved as presented.  The motion was seconded by Tim Standeford and carried unanimously.  Herb Cook gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Larry Long made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Daryl Swinney seconded the motion and carried unanimously.  Herb Cook gave the Operation’s and Manager’s Report.  Tim Standeford made a motion to accept the Operation’s and Manager’s Report.  Larry Long seconded the motion and carried unanimously.

Old Business

  1. New Water Treatment Plant:  Herb Cook reported to the Board that Mitchell and Stark are working towards getting all underground piping in before winter.  Ryan Leisey with Preload was at the meeting to discuss Change Order #1 that was presented to the Board for review/approval asking for the substantial completion date to be changed to May 15, 2025 and that Preload would pay the additional cost of the foundation expansion.  Daryl Swinney made a motion to accept Change Order #1 from Preload.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and carried unanimously.  Herb Cook also presented a quote to the Board for the electrical install from Berry Electric for the new well #4.  Tim Standeford made a motion to accept the quote from Berry Electric.  Daryl Swinney seconded the motion and carried unanimously.
  2. Sunset Booster Upgrade:  Banning Engineering submitted plans for the new booster station to IDEM and is still waiting on a return.  Mitchell and Stark are starting to order some of the longer lead time materials to get them in sooner.

New Business

There was no new business to discuss at the meeting.


  1. Wellfield Upgrade/Raw Water Lines:  Herb Cook reported to the Board that Bastin and Logan has been working on completing the new well #4.  Bastin and Logan also has placed the order for the new pumps and motors for wells 1, 2, and 3.

With no other business to discuss, Tim Standeford moved for adjournment.  The motion received a second from Larry Long and carried, unanimously.  The next monthly Director’s meeting will be Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 8:00 AM.   The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 AM.