In attendance: Vice President Larry Long, Secretary Ron Wright, Treasurer Tim Standeford, Director Daryl Swinney, and General Manager Herb Cook.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Larry Long.  The Minutes of the Directors meeting held on July 18, 2023 were presented for review/approval.  Daryl Swinney moved the minutes be approved as presented.  The motion was seconded by Tim Standeford and carried unanimously.  Herb Cook gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Ron Wright made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Daryl Swinney seconded the motion and carried unanimously.  Herb Cook gave the Operation’s and Manager’s Report.  Daryl Swinney made a motion to approve the Operation’s and Manager’s Report.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and carried unanimously.

Old Business

  1. New Water Treatment Plant:   Banning Engineering provided an updated set of plant design plans to the Board to review at the meeting.  Once the Board members reviewed the plant design, Daryl Swinney made a motion to release the bid packets to the designated contractors for bidding. Tim Standeford seconded the motion and was carried unanimously.  IDEM at the time of the meeting is still reviewing plans, but Herb noted all items that IDEM had requested information on has been sent to them.  A new schedule of events pertaining to the building of the new water treatment plant was provided to the Board as well.
  2. Krohn and Associates:  Herb Cook reported to the Board that the bank closed on the loan for the water treatment plant on August 8, 2023 and that the monies would be available for use in September after the new billing cycle went out with the rate increase.
  3. Water Treatment Plant Loan Resolution:  At the July 18, 2023 meeting the Board adopted the presented loan resolution drawn up by Krohn and Associates to meet First Merchants Bank requirements.
  4. Rate Increase:  After the Loan Resolution was adopted, the Board made a motion to raise the rates across the board by 60% effective for September billing after the membership was put on notice with the August billing cycle.
  5. Transfer of Ownership Document:  The Board was presented with a transfer of ownership document to go along with the contract for installing new water mains by individuals and developers.  The transfer of ownership document was approved for use by the Board to meet audit requirements as well as any legal purposes that may arise later.

New Business

  1. Echo Lake Phase III:  With the failing galvanized mains as well as new lead and copper rules that have come out, Herb asked the Board to consider replacing the mains on Echo Lake Center Dr.  After much discussion about unaccounted for water as well as the cost of materials still climbing, Daryl Swinney made a motion to approve replacement of mains and services on Echo Lake Center Dr.  Ron Wright seconded the motion and was carried unanimously.

Other Business

  1. Employee Wages:  During the March 2023 Board meeting, Ron Wright asked that the Board review employee wages during the August meeting.  After much discussion Ron Wright made a motion to approve pay raises for 3 employees.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and carried unanimously with Larry Long abstaining.

With no other business to discuss, Tim Standeford moved for adjournment.  The motion received a second from Ron Wright and carried, unanimously.  The next monthly Directors meeting will be Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 8:00 AM.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 AM