Directors Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2024

In attendance: Vice President Larry Long, Secretary Ron Wright, Treasurer Tim Standeford, Director Daryl Swinney, and General Manager Herb Cook.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Larry Long.  The Minutes of the Directors meeting held on December 19, 2023 were presented for review/approval.  Ron Wright moved the minutes be approved as presented.  The motion was seconded by Tim Standeford and carried unanimously.  Herb Cook gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Ron Wright made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and carried unanimously.  Herb Cook gave the Operation’s and Manager’s Report.  Tim Standeford made a motion to accept the Operation’s and Manager’s Report.  Ron Wright seconded the motion and carried unanimously.

Old Business

  1. New Water Treatment Plant:  Herb Cook informed the Board that the stormwater permits have been submitted, approved, and Mitchell and Stark can start site work when the weather breaks.  Herb presented the first bill from Mitchell and Stark for materials and insurance.  Ron Wright made a motion to approve paying the bill from the construction funds account.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and carried unanimously.
  2. Test/Production Well #4:  At the previous meeting the Board approved having Bastin and Logan drill the test/production well #4.  Herb updated the Board that Bastin and Logan still plans to start drilling the well in late February to early March depending on the weather.
  3. Neptune Reading Equipment/Meters:  Herb made note to the Board that Utility Supply is still working on getting everything set up with Neptune and should hopefully have meters and equipment to Hill Water in the next few weeks.
  4. 2024 IFA Audit Validation:  At the previous Board meeting the Board approved Midwestern Engineers to validate Hill Water’s 2024 IFA Audit of 2023 calendar year.  Herb made note that he will be submitting the audit in late January for validation.
  5. WHPP Delineation Update:  Jim Carr from Hydrophase let Herb know that he is preparing all the letters and documents that need to be submitted to agencies in the area.  Ross Holloway and Herb Cook will also be working with local government officials to make sure that the new delineation gets put into their files as well.

New Business

  1. 2023 Financial Audit-Pershing Contract:  Pershing and Company provided Herb with their contract to do the financial audit of 2023.  The contract was capped at $8,800 for the audit.  Tim Standeford made a motion to approve having Pershing complete the audit.  Ron Wright seconded the motion and carried unanimously.
  2. Hill Water Newsletter:  Herb advised the Board that after having conversations with several customers that they would like to see more communications from the company.  Several times a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter was brought up.  After much discussion, Ron Wright made a motion to do a bi-monthly customer newsletter.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and carried unanimously.
  3. System Development Charges (SDC):  At the previous meeting the Board approved to put into effect an SDC charge.  There were questions from several Board members about the SDC and asked Herb to get into contact with Hill Water’s legal and financial team with these questions.  After much discussion about the findings, Ron Wright made a motion to table setting up an SDC charge until the next meeting.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and carried unanimously.

With no other business to discuss, Tim Standeford moved for adjournment.  The motion received a second from Ron Wright and carried, unanimously.  The next monthly Directors meeting will be Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 8:00AM.  The meeting adjourned at 9:17AM.