In attendance: President Ross Holloway, Vice President Larry Long, Secretary Ron Wright, Treasurer Tim Standeford, and General Manager Herb Cook.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Ross Holloway.  The minutes of the Directors meeting held on January 18, 2022 were presented for review/approval.  Ron Wright moved the minutes be approved as presented.  The motion was seconded by Tim Standeford and carried, unanimously.  Herb Cook gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Larry Long made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and was carried unanimously.  Herb Cook gave the Operation’s and Manager’s Report.  Ron Wright made a motion to approve the Operation’s and Manager’s Report.  Larry Long seconded the motion and was carried unanimously.

Old Business

  1. New Water Treatment Plant:  Herb presented to the Board the investigation report that Banning Engineering put together on the existing water treatment plant.  The Board reviewed the report then decided to review it in more detail at the next Directors meeting.
  2. Hopwood Offer:  Herb reported to the Board that Kegahn Hopwood accepted Hill’s court offer of $3,000 per acre.  Kegahn will start working on the acquisition.
  3. New Lead and Copper Regulations:  The Board voted to have 120 Water assist Hill Water in meeting new compliance regulations set by the EPA.  Ross Holloway signed the contract for 120 Water at the meeting.
  4. Capital Expense:  The Board asked Herb to get some bids on completing some of the smaller loops that were made known to them.  Herb will have those numbers to the Board at the next meeting.

New Business

  1. Trucks:  Herb asked the Board to consider trading in the 2013 Chevy (Truck 14) and the 2017 Dodge (Truck 18) on a new work truck.  Larry Long made a motion to trade the two (2) trucks in on a new truck for Hill Water.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and was carried unanimously.
  2. Smart Bill: Smart Bill provided a quote to Herb to be reviewed by the Board consisting of online payments and the ability to set up paperless billing and all included costs.  After reviewing what was offered by Smart Bill and their charges, Larry Long made a motion to go with Smart Bill on online payments, paperless billing, and all other services offered.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and was carried unanimously.
  3. Website Design Quotes:  The Board has been reviewing having a new website designed and asked Herb to get quotes for the design and upkeep of a new website.  Herb provided 3 quotes to the Board for review.  After reviewing all quotes and services provided Ron Wright made a motion to have Melling Marketing Solutions to design and maintain Hill Water’s website.  Tim Standeford seconded the motion and was carried unanimously.

Other Business

  1. Home Bank:  With the high amounts of service fees being paid to First Merchants Bank, the Board asked Herb to investigate other local banks.  Herb presented a proposal from Home Bank for review by the Board.  After review of the proposal, Ron Wright made a motion to switch Hill Water’s checking account to Home Bank and making President Ross Holloway, Vice President Larry Long, Secretary Ron Wright, and General Manager Herbert L. Cook as signers on the new account.  Larry Long seconded the motion and was carried unanimously.  

With no other business to discuss, Tim Standeford moved for adjournment.  The motion received a second from Larry Long and carried, unanimously.  The next monthly Directors meeting will be Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 8:00 AM.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:23 AM.